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Careers at Shoreham Academy

A programme that supports every child at each step of their journey

At Shoreham Academy, our programme of careers provision focuses on what our students need to know at each part of their development with us, as well as equipping them with the essential skills for life beyond compulsory education.

Careers Guidance in mentor time

Our Key Stage 3 mentor programme utilises a skills-builder. For more information on skills-builder, click here.

In Key Stage 4, students will move to the bespoke 'Pathways' programme which is designed to equip them with all the information they will need to make their post-16 options choices.

In Sixth Form, the mentor delivered information, advice and guidance is delivered in the form of an enrichment carousel. Students can choose the sessions they attend based on their aspirations in this personalised programme of information, advice and guidance.

More in-depth information about our careers programme can be found here when available.

*Please note: the careers software platform Unifrog is currently being rolled out across all year groups.

Good Career Guidance | Education | Gatsby

Personalised guidance

All our 1-to-1 guidance is delivered by our in-house qualified careers advisor, who students will see in Year 11 and again by Year 13.

Appointments are run alongside our break time careers drop-ins to ensure support is available to students when they most need it. Support for parents in the form of question-and-answer sessions and virtual support is available at key options stages. Our careers advisor is also available at each of our Parents' Evenings.

For more details on our Year 11 Consultation Process Click Here

To see our Post-16 Options booklet Click Here

Our Careers Policy

Our policy and provision are developed with the approval of our local Business Ambassadors, who give their time and expertise to ensure our programme is equipping a successful workforce for the future. Our careers-related activity is also supported throughout the year by Business Mentors from a range of sectors who work directly with our students. For more information about our Business Ambassadors, Mentors and how to get involved with supporting careers activities at the school, please see our Who's Involved page.

Irrum Magre is our L7 Qualified Careers Lead. If you have any questions relating to Careers at Shoreham Academy, please email: careers@shoreham-academy.org

Our Careers and Provider Access policies can be found in the website policies section - Click Here

Careers Links

Some useful advice websites for young people looking for additional careers advice.

Get Career Confident - What next Sussex?

What next at 14, 16 and 18 Booklet

National Careers Service


Careers Newsletter

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Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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