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Tim Harkins / Categories: News


Students secure places at top universities including Brighton and Sussex Medical School, the University of Bristol and King’s College London

Celebrations are underway at Shoreham Academy, as Sixth Formers gain places at top universities across the country, including several of the prestigious Russell Group institutions.

After achieving some excellent A Level and equivalent qualification results, over 90% of the students have secured their first choice university place. Staff, as well as friends and families, joined them to celebrate their successes and wish them well as they take their next steps into higher education.

Among those celebrating were twins George and Olivia Kennedy, who were both delighted with their results. George achieved four A*s in Maths, Physics, Biology and Chemistry – enabling him to take up his offer to study Medicine at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.

Meanwhile, Olivia achieved two A*s in Psychology and Dance, as well as an A in English Literature and a B in Maths. She will be heading to the University of Exeter to study Liberal Arts.

Other students enjoying particular successes were:

  • Lily Bolsover, who achieved As in History and Law and a B in Economics, will be studying Law at the University of Exeter;
  • Jack Randall, who is heading to the University of Southampton to study English and French, having achieved A*s in English and Geography and an A in French;
  • Maddie Ayre, who achieved A grades in both Business Studies and Sociology and a Distinction in Dance. She will be going on to study International Relations at King’s College London;
  • Jack Williams, who is taking up a place to study Game Design at Bournemouth University after achieving an A in Mathematics and B grades in Geography and Sociology;
  • Lucy Divall, who achieved As in Geography and Psychology and a B in History. She is very pleased to accept her place to study Psychology at the University of Sussex;
  • Joe Dixon, who is also going to the University of Sussex to study Geography, having secured an A in Geography and B grades in Physics and PE.

Students were happy and relieved to discover their results had secured them the places of their choice. Year 13 Jack Randall said:

“Wow… it’s amazing. I’m so pleased that all my hard work paid off.”

Maddie Ayre was delighted to have secured her first-choice Russell Group university, adding:

“I’ve got into King’s College London! I’m chuffed.”

Parents were equally proud, with Jack Williams’ mother saying:

“Shoreham Academy has done everything and given so much time and support. It is so appreciated.”

Commenting on students’ achievements, Jim Coupe, Principal at Shoreham Academy, said:  

“We are incredibly proud of what students have achieved – both in Sixth Form and over the course of their seven years here at Shoreham Academy. The students have come through a challenging time most recently with the pandemic, but they can each celebrate in what they have achieved, with over half of all grades secured at either A* to B or the Distinction equivalent.

“As well as congratulating students, I would like to thank our staff at the academy for all they have done to support our young people to succeed. This is important at all stages but especially so during Sixth Form as students decide their next steps and the variety of high-quality university courses secured this year reflects the tailored guidance they provide.”

Susana Brooks, Head of Sixth Form at Shoreham Academy, added:

“Our students should take great pride in all they have achieved at Shoreham Academy, knowing that their hard work has secured them some excellent outcomes. We are thrilled that students have gained places at top universities and apprenticeship courses, with the overwhelming majority securing their first choice option. We wish them the very best as they take their next steps and look forward to hearing about all their future successes.”

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