Change to Admissions Arrangements – September 2026: Consultation

The governors of Shoreham Academy would like to give notice of proposed changes to the academy’s Admissions Policy which will apply from the 2026-27 academic year and thereafter, subject to any further consultation.

The draft policy for consultation can be viewed on our policies page, or a hard copy is available on request from the school at:

The main change in this revised Admissions Policy is in relation to the oversubscription criteria as follows:

  • The introduction of children of staff as one of the oversubscription criteria; this will be where a member of staff has been employed by Shoreham Academy for two years or more at the time at which the application for the admission to the school is made; and/or the member of staff is being employed to fill a vacant post at the school for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage. Recruitment and retention of excellent staff is of high importance to us, and we want to ensure that students of Shoreham Academy continue to be taught and supported by specialist staff, with vacancies attracting the highest calibre of applicants. This change will also support staff wellbeing by improving work-life balance for members of staff with children of secondary school age who wish their child to attend Shoreham Academy.
  • The introduction of siblings of students who are new to Shoreham Academy Sixth Form but didn’t attend Shoreham Academy in lower years, to the oversubscription criteria. The rationale behind this is that all Sixth Form students, regardless of how long they have been at the school, are part of our school community. As such, their siblings should have an equal opportunity to attend our school as siblings of students with longer tenure.


This consultation requires a six-week consultation period, in line with the School Admissions Code. The consultation period is from Monday 2nd December 2024 to Monday 13th January 2025. Please provide your views on the proposed changes by emailing or complete the Microsoft Form here.


Who is consulted?

This consultation is for the attention of:

a) Parents of students at Shoreham Academy.

b) Local Governing Bodies and Head Teachers of schools in the local area.

c) Other persons in the area who have an interest in the proposed arrangements.

e) The local authority.

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