Governing Body

The Local Governing Body (LGB) enables independent, advisory oversight of the activities and direction of the school. It has delegated responsibilities from the United Learning Group Board, who retain overall responsibility for governance. The LGB provides guidance and support and acts as a ‘critical friend’ offering challenge when appropriate. It is responsible for reviewing and ratifying that policies at school level align within the agreed UL's policy framework.

Members of the LGB have a broad range of skills, experience, expertise and interests and all of its members share the common purpose of working to help achieve the school’s ambitions and realise its aspirations. The aim is to ensure pupils’ experience is the broadest and most rewarding and that this leads to encouraging the ‘Best in Everyone’. 

For effective working, the LGB spreads its work between two working groups. The Resources Sub-group and Student Focus Sub-group. This enables the most efficient and appropriate discussion to take place in these groups which then report into the main LGB during the term.

There are designated governors for Safeguarding, SEND and Finance & Health & Safety. A function of the LGB is to have involvement in the appointment of the Principal and senior leaders.

The LGB Chair is Mrs Kay Haffenden and she can be contacted via email on  

For further information or enquiries about the LGB please contact Clerk to the Governors Vicki Pearson

Welcome from our Chair of Governors

Kay Haffenden BEM
Chair of Local Governing Body

At the invitation of United Learning, I have just begun my second three year term (September 2021) as Chair of Governors at Shoreham Academy.  During my extensive career as a school governor, I  have gained considerable knowledge regarding roles and responsibilities.  I have undertaken training in all aspects of governor work and taken part in many committees and working groups.  With a commercial background, I am particularly interested in the development of Careers and Enterprise which I believe the school is achieving very well, in working with business and community partners and ambassadors.  I am the Safeguarding Governor and undertake the required monitoring role alongside members of the Senior Leadership Team.

In my work life I am Managing Executive of an international association of manufacturers involved the marine life-saving industry.  My business background and networking experience enables me to seek opportunities to develop links within the local community and promote Shoreham Academy wherever possible.

Samantha Woolven

Samantha specialises in leadership and behavioural development in large global companies, aiming to help leaders play to their strengths, building teams, organisations and personal careers that flourish. Having spent a year as the Director of all things HR, Communications, Governance and Sustainability and launching a new cafe venture at Shoreham Port, Samantha now runs her own consultancy, bringing leaders together across the world to be 'better human beings at work.'

Samantha moved to Sussex - from the not so distant Hampshire - and she has quickly put down roots within the local activity groups taking up sea swimming, kite surfing, and hiking in the Downs. Throughout her career, Samantha has been actively engaged with education and localised engagement activities, during her time at the Port Samantha was responsible for the community outreach programme. This partnership put her in touch with the great work of the Academy and conversations led to her joining the Governing body in 2022.

Andrew Lincoln

I am the headteacher of a local primary school and have been working in the education sector for the last 18 years. For the last 6 years, I have been supporting a range of primary schools, in West Sussex and Brighton and Hove with school Leadership Development and taking on interim headship roles.

My oldest child has just started her school journey at Shoreham Academy and have two younger children who will hopefully be joining her in the following years. In addition, my wife and I are registered foster carers are have fostered a number of children over the last 5 years on short and long term placements

When time allows, I love to exercise and take part in a range of sports.

I am excited to take my knowledge of the primary school sector and use this to support, and work with the children, staff and governors of the school to strive to improve the outcomes of the children of Shoreham Academy.

Andrew Swayne

Andrew Swayne is a senior manager in one of our largest local companies, Ricardo plc. He is a chartered engineer and qualified health and safety professional. In Ricardo his responsibilities include enterprise risk management, insurance, the quality, health and safety and environmental management systems, internal audits and corporate responsibility and sustainability. In the community, he chairs the Adur and Worthing Business Partnership and the Shoreham Airport Consultative Committee as well as being a member of the Coast to Capital (LEP) audit committee and the Greater Brighton Economic Board. In his spare time, he is a grandparent, sea scout leader and qualified yacht skipper. In the academy, he specialises in finance, premises, infrastructure, HR, health safety and sustainability.

Jim Clarke

I am a Staff Governor and sit on the Health & Safety Committee and the Resource Group. I represent all of the staff from the Academy on the Governing body and I enjoy using my skills and knowledge, as an experienced teacher, to support the Academy as it strives to make further progress. I have taught at Kings Manor and Shoreham Academy for the past 14 years. Firstly as the School Sport Coordinator working closely with all of our local Primary Schools and now as Head of PE. Having grown up locally I am committed to supporting young people from across the area. I attended Boundstone Community College & 6th Form and taught for six years at Oakfield Middle School, Lancing.

Kevin Boram

Kevin is a Councillor for Adur District, where he is Executive Member for Health and Well-being, and West Sussex County Council where he is Chair of the Fire & Rescue Scrutiny committee and Vice Chair of Regulation Audit and Accounts Committee.  He is a Chartered Accountant involved in developing and financing major projects ranging from public transport to nuclear power stations.  Since his retirement he has been heavily involved in his community  with a passion for creating a sustainable community fit for all in the future. This includes ensuring that a high quality education is available for all children so they can realise their potential and ambitions.

Kevin has lived in Shoreham with his wife for over 25 years and has two daughters.

Mark Hayes

I am the Marine Operations Manager for Shoreham Port. One of the main duties within my role is to support the Harbour Master with regards to maritime safety. I have a keen interest in Health and Safety and have been involved in the subject for many years within my career.

I am a local resident of over twenty years and a former crew member of the Shoreham lifeboat. I have two children who have both attended Shoreham Academy, but have now left and are pursuing their own careers. My eldest child attended Kings Manor and was present when Shoreham Academy was first established, so I have seen the Academy’s journey of continued improvement first-hand. During their time at the Academy, I was always impressed by the positive and friendly nature of its staff, and hope to assist its present team to continually improve the school.



Shoreham Academy is a part of United Learning whose Trustees hold the ultimate responsibility for the governance of each United Learning school.

The Department for Education’s governance handbook 2020 identifies the essentials of effective governance as follows:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

United Learning’s Trustees delegate certain key roles and responsibilities to the school’s Local Governing Body (LGB) and these are set out clearly in our Scheme of Delegation which can be seen on the United Learning website.

Click here to view the Scheme of Delegation

Members who have stepped down

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United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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