At Shoreham Academy, we believe that students who join us who are PP eligible should make progress in-line with, or more than, their peers. Our Pupil Premium Plan is put in place to ensure all funding available is utilised to remove as many barriers, and obstacles, as possible to ensure that progress is made. It is through integrity and hard work that we then achieve, and expect, excellence.
Our plan is to ensure that research-based approaches to improving teaching and learning are happening across all classrooms, while data-driven decisions surrounding intervention are put in place. Our tiered approach to strategies implemented through the funding of the Pupil Premium grant has been recommended by the EEF, and will involve focusing on excellent teaching, targeted support and effective wider strategies.
Pupil premium is funding allocated from the government to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools in England. Pupil Premium funding is to specifically assist children who fall into at least one of the following groups:
Eligible Pupils
Amount per pupil allocated
Pupils in years 7 to 11 recorded as Ever 6 FSM as well as eligible children with no recourse to Public funds (NRPF)
Looked-after children (LAC) defined in the Children Act 1989 as one who is in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, an English local authority.
Children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales because of adoption, a special guardianship order, or child arrangements order (previously known as a residence order).
Pupils in year groups reception to year 11 recorded as Ever 6 service child or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence.
Schools are free to spend the allocated funds as they deem most appropriate to support eligible pupils attainment and education. At Shoreham Academy, we allocate funding based on an understanding of individual pupils needs, local context and evidence-based research.
The Education Endowment Fund has developed research led approaches to help schools identify the best strategies to ensure students in receipt of Pupil Premium funding achieve their highest standards. These can be seen here. This report and the links included on page 13 have been taken into consideration when planning and reviewing the Pupil premium strategy each academic year.
Our Pupil Premium strategy and impact statement can be seen at the link below and is reviewed termly. The statement clarifies our current funding allocation and reviews the impact of last year's spending to support the progress, achievement and well-being of eligible pupils.
The Education Endowment Fund (EEF) has a website that looks at as much research as possible on making a difference to pupils’ progress. Their work is widely recognised as being a recommended and outstanding source of information. Their toolkit can be used to provide guidance on strategies that are shown to be effective. Several other institutions have also researched the challenges facing students from disadvantaged families. These publications include reports from: The Sutton Trust (Cracking the Code), The Fair Education Alliance, The Social Mobility Commission, Tackling Child Poverty (West Sussex):
Many of the report’s findings are common knowledge among schools. They include statements that are relevant to Shoreham Academy:
By referring to research undertaken by the authors of these publications and by regularly referring to research published by the EEF, we are confident that our planning for the removal of barriers for disadvantaged students is effective. Strategies from previous academic years are also evaluated to ensure that resources are deployed where they can have maximum impact.
The key intervention and support strategies used to close the gap at Shoreham Academy can be found in the attached documents below.
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