Learning From Home

The Continuity of Learning Plan sets out all the information students will need to continue their learning if, for any reason, they cannot attend school.

This guide will also equip our parents and carers with the information required to effectively support their children at home. If your child's year group bubble or a significant number of students within that bubble have to self-isolate then lessons will be undertaken via Ms Teams. For smaller groups and individuals self isolating work will be set on Firefly by your teachers.

Learning From Home

How to access live lessons on MS Teams if scheduled?

Continuity of Learning Plan: Remote Provision for Students Unable to Attend School due to COVID

As a school, we aim to ensure that teaching and learning continue as efficiently and effectively as possible in the event of a student or groups of students being unable to attend school due to COVID. Our policy and procedures during this time will help us to ensure high educational standards, in line with our school aims. They underline our commitment to learning as a partnership between students, teachers, and parents/carers.

In line with our approach during lockdown our approach will have certain key features.

  • If a year group is required to self-isolate the vast majority of lessons will be undertaken live on MS Teams according to the allocation of curriculum time on the school timetable 
  • Some work will be set and reviewed on Firefly,
  • Follow the curriculum sequence of lessons being taught in school. Students will work during the hours of the school day in order to keep a healthy routine 
  • Communicated in an effective way – Tasks on Firefly, invites for lessons sent via Team/Email accessible to parents and students
  • Appropriate and relevant to student needs 
  • Monitored and assessed by teachers with feedback provided as appropriate

Each subject will set work in the way most appropriate to their need and may include:

  • The United Learning Student Hub – sign into this using the same username and password as used to log into school email address, or the school computers.  
  • The Oak National Academy – no login required, watch the teaching video and complete the quizzes.  
  • Other regular homework websites – eg Hegarty Maths, Educake, MyGCSEScience   These will require students to use their login details that they use each week for homework. 
  • Office 365 – Microsoft Teams. For many students this is a site they are used to using in class and for homework in some subjects. School username and password are required to access student folders on this site. MS Teams will also be used for live teaching from 11th January

Ways in which parents and carers can help:

  • Ensure your son/daughter can access all the websites listed below and know their passwords 
  • Check Firefly and discuss what work has been set 
  • Talk with your son/daughter about their work and the importance of completing the work set 
  • Help your son/daughter manage their time – check in from time to time
  • Praise your son/daughter for successful completion of the work 
  • Contact their Pastoral Team if there are queries about the work or further help is required 
  • For students with additional needs a member of our SEN team, usually the existing Key Link, will provide remote support to enable students to access the work and answer queries.
  • If you have any queries, contact info@shoreham-academy.org

Policies & Risk Assessment

We have updated out Continuity of Learning Plan for January 2021 for a full copy of this please Click Here

We have updated our Live Lesson Acceptable Use Policy for a copy please Click Here

Updated Risk Assessment for Summer Term June 2021 Click Here 

Firefly - Our Virtual Learning Environment

Firefly Help Guides

If a parent or student cannot login to Firefly then please email ServiceDesk@shoreham-academy.org 

Student username for Firefly is their email address and password is their school network password.

MS Teams Guides

United Learning Hub

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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