Shoreham Academy is celebrating today as the Department for Education publishes its new, validated progress scores. The results reveal that Shoreham Academy is the third best school in West Sussex for Progress 8.
Amelia Cook, Year 11, was representing England U18's junior women's team at the age of just 15 and…
New Sixth Form Programme - See Sixth Form Courses page or contact the Director of Sport. …
Ronnie Deacon, from Shoreham, went along to a go-karting party a year ago. Someone there spotted promise and asked his mum Gemma if he raced for a club.
Students at Shoreham Academy in West Sussex are celebrating receiving their GCSE results, which have been the school’s best ever, after a stellar performance across the year group.
Today’s publication of A Level results has provided another reason for students and staff to celebrate at the Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ Shoreham Academy Sixth Form.
Students thrive at the school which is “determined” that every student succeeds
Shoreham Academy Students part of Girl's Network Event
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