Medical and First Aid
We are working with the NHS team to establish a full programme of vaccinations that students can access in school. Further details will be announced via parent weekly emails and direct communication from Student Services.
Vaccination Dates
Flu – all years 11th October 2024
DTP – year 9 - 2nd April 2025
HPV – year 8 – 14th May 2025
Arbor/Student Services forms
Please ensure you contact Student Services with any changes to your child’s medical conditions as and when they occur. Contact Student Services with any other medical updates we need to be aware of to support your child. Student Services will send out eForms periodically to capture any key updates.
If your child suffers from Asthma, they are required to carry their in-date inhaler on them at all times. Please can this be named so it can be quickly returned if it is lost. It is the student's responsibility to ensure they take it with them to break, lunch and all lessons, including PE.
If your child is at risk of anaphylaxis and has been prescribed an adrenaline auto-injector it is vital that they carry one on them at all times, including break, lunch and all lessons, including PE. You are also required to provide a spare, in date auto-injector to the academy first aid room.
First Aid
The first aid room is located behind Student Services. If your child becomes injured or unwell whilst in school, they are able to come to Student Services to request help. Students should not be calling home using their mobile phones when feeling unwell. They must report to student services in the first instance to be seen and assessed by our team. Where appropriate we will make contact with parents/carers to ask you to collect your child from school.